Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Day with TJ and Little Jimmy Madison

Yesterday was a lot of fun. Minus the rain, it was an experience that I will never forget. I got up at 4:30 and was actually early getting to school! I had decided to sit near the front of the bus, because I had a lot of homework, and I knew that the back of the bus would not be a good environment to be in to complete. Low and behold, the front of the bus wasn't either. It was ok though, I had lots of good conversation.

When we got to Monticello, it was rainy and foggy, but it was still beautiful. I kept thinking in my head that on day like this Thomas Jefferson probably sat in his study reading some of the greatest philosopher's writings. Or that he just sat by the window in his study pondering all of life's questions.

Next stop was UVA, and I loved the campus. It was beautiful and busy yet peaceful. I looks like an application will be sent that way.

The last stop was probably my favorite. I love Montpelier. Although there was very little furniture in the house, I could imagine the Father of the Constitution sitting in his study while he figured out the best form of government. I could see him standing outside, looking at one of the most gorgeous views I have ever seen.

It was a great day, from having a yawning war to great conversation to the weather to just being with friends.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Charlottesville or Bust!

Tomorrow I'm waking up super early and heading off to the wonderful city of Charlottesville for a field trip.

I'm pretty stoked, and yes I am going to be the nerd that wears her DMB shirt up there. :D

Once again, I apologize for the short post, but getting up at 4:40 is not an easy thing for me. There shall be pictures and stories very soon.

On a quick note, I saw the mailer from the Anderson campaign photo shoot, and I'm in there twice!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

These past few weeks have been rather crazy. School has been keeping me busy, but that's ok because it's been good.

I am enjoying Senior year a lot more than I expected too. My niece is growing leaps and bounds and is walking and talking and is busy being as cute as a button. She is really liking books at the moment, not only her books, but mine also. I walked into my bedroom to see her sitting there flipping through Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. As a one year old, she liked to chew on it. It's probably more wear than what it got when I read it Freshman year. :)

Between papers and graphs, college essays and finding time to sleep, I also got my driver's license! This is a big step for me being as 3 weeks ago you couldn't get me behind the steering wheel.

This is only a quick update, but I promise for a much more promising post in the near future.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

it's been two weeks...

and I am very busy with school!

The past two weeks of my senior year have been filled with late nights (most past midnight) of finishing homework, papers, tests, multiple phone calls to my online teacher, driving lessons(!), book buying, college essays, ACT registration, and a whole lot more!

I am very excited and optimistic about where this is going though.

I'm currently listening to my first, and only, :( Dave Matthews show from back in April, and it has made me realize that sometimes you just need to stop, breathe, and not to forget the things that you enjoy the most in life.

I have to get back to my Physics paper that's due tomorrow and have forgotten about until a few hours ago, but I promise that there will be more posts!